A few days ago
Jolie Vu

is it ok to copy (Plagiarism) with your resume’s objective?

like to copy it from a website, because a lot people do that so i don’t know…?!? is it ok or is bad?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It is never a good idea to steal anything from anyone, on a website or elsewhere.

Why do you want steal it.

Write your own objective, if you need one.

Objectives are not often used these days.


4 years ago
you’re cherry-choosing from Mein Kampf, and you already comprehend it. you besides might understand that Limbaugh/Coulter/Rove are a much extra awesome analogue to the writings of herr Fuhrer, yet you ignore to show this. you’re hoping that cheating rhetoric will by some potential dupe the folk seeing this, yet you’re forgetting that maximum liberals surely examine. stunning try. yet whilst it is the terrific the Republicans can dish out, you have have been given not something in any respect.