A few days ago
Robyn D

Is a minor in Sign good to have with a poly sci major?

I always wanted to learn sign, and I was wondering if it would be a good minor to have along with my poly sci major.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Sign language or really any type of language is good to have as a minor in general. It gives you prospects in working in certain industries that other people may not have. If you do sign, then maybe you can volunteer somewhere where you would actually be able to get some good use out of it. Plus volunteering always looks good on applications for schools, and jobs as well.

4 years ago
once you no longer get into an MBA software or regulation college, poli sci is actual ineffective for paying for a job. An undergrad degree in corporation administration is plenty safer as that provide you a backup degree which could actual get you a job.