A few days ago

If you had the financial means to attend any university in the world, which school would you pick and why?

If you had the financial means to attend any university in the world, which school would you pick and why?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Great question!!! I’d probably go to one of the schools in Boston because I love the area, & their school’s are VERY prestigious & I’d pretty much be guaranteed a good career after my school days.

Of course…this is also under the assumption that not only do I have financial means to attend, but I’d have the brains as well!

I think my dream “job” would actually be a student. Like, if I got paid to go to various colleges & study various things, I’d so do that.


A few days ago
I’d choose Willamette University in Salem, Oregon (because I practically grew up on that campus and it has a great reputation), or Northeastern University in Boston, MA (i’ve been wanting to go there for grad school)

A few days ago
Patricia A
I would join the University of Miami. It’s one of the best colleges in Florida and has a great business program.”UM”

A few days ago
Harvard. I like Cambridge. Be cool to go there for a few years.

NYU would be another one b/c it’s location is more fun, but Harvard has a better rep. Stanford would be a great school too, but it’s location isn’t as good as Harvard’s.


A few days ago
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. They have a graduate program in my field and I very much admire the work of the instructors who are there.