A few days ago

If you get grossed out really easily, is it impossible to go to med school?

I was looking into a career as an Anethesiologist but I do get grossed out by things like surgery( I can barely watch Dr. 90210 lol). Does this mean I should not consider this career and pick something that does not involove medical school? The career looks like a cool one but I was just wondering about the schooling and what type of things you may encounter on the job. Thanks for your help!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You should volunteer in a hospital or something before applying to medical school. It helps you when it comes to admissions anyway, but will also allow you to see if you can handle seeing certain things.

In medical school, one of the first classes is Gross Anatomy–where you “dissect” a human corpse. If you can’t handle that, you really don’t belong in medical school. Better to find out before you plunk down $40-70k for your first year’s tuition, room and board.


A few days ago
I would think you should consider something less involved in “gross” stuff. Ask your guidance counselor (or a counselor at a college) about what other programs there are related to medicine. Maybe you could be an X-ray tech or Respiratory Therapist.

A few days ago
In your hands on training you will be required to do a lot of things that are going to gross you out, hopefully you will get used to it. If not well, maybe you need to look in to something else.

A few days ago
it won’t be that cool if you’re puking every 5 minutes and can’t stay to do your job – you’ll be kicked out of school/fired pretty quick