A few days ago

If I have a 8am class. How early should I arrive?

10 or 15 minutes?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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Ten or fifteen minutes early would be fine. Just don’t arrive 10 or 15 minutes after the class starts!

A few days ago
José P.
Yes, 10-15 minutes is just about right, though I would say something along the lines of 5-10 minutes. Getting that much early gives you an advantage, because you have extra time to clear up any doubts you have with the teacher, to review for the test, or to get acquainted with your classmates.

Note: You should *arrive* 5-15 minutes early. Your departure time allow you to arrive at the classroom with a few minutes to spare, something along the lines of 15-20 minutes, as someone mentioned earlier.


A few days ago
sassy sarah
I’d say 15-20 if you don’t know the campus well. That leaves a fair cushion for finding your way. At my university, rooms could change sometimes; I’d go to the room the class was supposed to be in and find out it was now a building over or something like that. If you know your way around, then 10 minutes should be fine.

A few days ago
For the first couple of days, I would suggest arriving 10 minutes early so you make a good impression on your teacher. Later in the year, depending on how strict the classroom rules are, you can arrive earlier (strict rules; 15 minutes) or later (laid back rules; 5 minutes).

A few days ago
depending where you live, how far you live away from the school, morning traffic, if there is trouble finding parking, and if your class is sort of far away from the parking area, you should arrive earlier in the morning.

but if none of those apply, you should arrive to class 10-20 minutes earlier. or maybe even 30 so that you can get a good seat and take a short nap perhaps or study or something.


A few days ago
either one. have you never had a class before? 10-15 min is fine. depends on how hard it is to get a parking spot or a seat. BUT, you should go to bed early.

A few days ago
15 minutes to be safe. Also, you may want to check out www.successtrackersoftware.com

It is a Student Organizer Software that includes courses, exams, homework, finances, activities, and contacts in one…


A few days ago
If you know the campus and how to get where you are going without running late, 7:58 will work.

A few days ago
Id allow 15mins to be sure.

Definaltley no later than 7.55.


A few days ago
15mins…to get a good front seat