A few days ago

i reaLLy want 2 be an excLLnt student,,,but somehow,m aLso tirEd of studyng…what should i do….???

i reaLLy want 2 be an excLLnt student,,,but somehow,m aLso tirEd of studyng…what should i do….???

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you can start by not typing like an idiot

A few days ago
Monica Sardonica
Self-discipline is the answer. Also, I discovered in college that when I went to study at the library (NOT MY LIVING QUARTERS), I retained more, and was way more motivated. Get into a daily habit of putting in X amount of time. Like banking, it’s often the “daily deposits” that really add up; not the once-a-month paycheck. Build in rewards when you study. Also, I found that if I treated myself to my favorite diet soda upon entering the library, the caffeine kick helped motivate me. I hope that helps!

A few days ago
omgg i need that answer too! my parents want me to get straight A’s if i do i get a BiG reward. so far in acing social studies but i want to get an an a in math my parents would be happy.