A few days ago

I’m logical but hate math, is this possible?

I am a uni student, when I was in high school, I hate math very much. But now I find out I am among the most logical and structured-minded student in Uni. So I try to find out why I hate math AND I am logical, then I figure everything I learnt in math is useless, they are not practical, I thought it is a waste of time learning it because you can not put it into practice. So that’s why I hate math, so weird, I hate math but I am logical !

People what do you think, please?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Digital Haruspex

Favorite Answer

I think you should take some more classes if you feel math is “useless” and “not very practical.” Try the computer science courses, anthropology, sociology, any of the hard sciences, engineering, pre-med, architecture, psychology or nearly any other course and see just how “useless” math is.

As for why you don’t like it, who knows? Nobody said you *had* to like math just because you have a logical and methodical way of looking at things.


A few days ago
it makes sense because even tho math deals with logic it also deals with complicated numbers and formulas and so forth. You can be a very logical person without using math but you’re illogical in thinking that math is just a waste of time, because even tho alot of thinks don’t really help us in life alot of things do too (especially for accounting, engineering etc majors.) But trust me I’m not a big fan of math either 🙂

A few days ago
Math is sometimes hardly logical. a puzzle or question does not have any purpose sometimes and you may think it is out of context like how does the equation of a line have anything to do with day to day life however we use math daily. imagine standing in a supermarket and wanting to find what has better value for money – a 200g jar of coffee for 3 pound or a 300g jar of coffee 5 pound. sometimes you can use math and not even know your doing it!!

A few days ago
I’m the kind of person who loves puzzle and mind games. I’m really good at and love logic. I’m also very good at math but I hate it. I even understand its practical applications but its just not for me. It kind of like eating food. You can put those lima beans in your mouth and be able to eat them with good manners so shouldn’t you like them? I mean you are an eater and your so good at it, but it still doesn’t mean your going to like the lima beans. Its sort of a silly comparison but all i’m saying is you can be a logical person and hate math just like you can be an artistic person and hate painting.

A few days ago
♥ shizzle ♥
I’m the same. i hate math because sometimes i cant see the logic in it, and I have to know WHY i am doing this. i understand how to do the sums and stuff, but i dont want to do them untill i understand where all the numbers and sums are coming from and how this is helping me to answer the question. maybe you are the same.

A few days ago
Math sucks.