A few days ago

I just started grad school after a 13 year hiatus from school. I’m feeling overwhelmed. Any tips?

I’m studying English and African American Literature.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

First of all… congratulations! Second… find someone in your class that you can lean on. I don’t mean cheat off of or whine to; I mean someone in the same stressful, overwhelming state. You will have a good friendship and someone to count on to boost you up when you’re really feeling in over your head.

These things helped me (I just finished a master’s degree too):

-Staying organized. I made sooo many lists! But it seriously worked for me.

-Depending on my boyfriend to help out around the house, with grocery shopping, etc.

-Turning down awesome invitations to friends’ houses, family events, etc. so I could do homework. (Bummer.)

-Staying focused on my goal of graduating in just 16 months.

-Counting down until graduation!

-Staying after work sometimes to sit in my office and a read a book so that I wouldn’t be tempted to clean, cook, talk on the phone, etc. (as I sometimes would be at home.)

-Making use of EVERY spare moment; I always brought a reading assignment with me. Getting my oil changed was one of the most productive times!

-Downloading classical music to listen to on my iPod so that I could drown out outside noises and really focus on the task at hand.

-Getting into groups with classmates outside of class time to study, review, quiz each other.

-Using the CDs and Web sites of the book publishers; there are great tools and abbreviated lessons there!

-Flash cards. As stupid as this is… I never really used them before. They are a very helpful tool.

-Using the resources offered by the college. Is there a writing center at your school? A second set of eyes on your paper is always beneficial, regardless of your level of natural ability!

-Limiting my time online. That was a hard one.

-Using online library resources to get sources, articles, full text books, etc. anytime of the day or night.

-Keeping a positive frame of mind. You can do this. They accepted you because you are smart. You bring something unique and important to the table.

Good luck! πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Are you working ?

If so take some time off from work.

They say that grad school is a full time job and you shuoldn’t work, but not all of us can make that work, with the econmy now a day.

Put your self on a schedule, and try to discipline yourself. Read ahead of the lecture and then look over it after the lecture. Being its lit I take it you have many papers to write, as far as papers, try not to wait until the last minute, I know it may be tough, but just stay on track and make sure you stick to your schedule.

It will get better.

Even with undergrad it can be overwhelming. I can only imagine how difficult grad school may be.


A few days ago
When school makes me feel overwhelmed so much that I want to cry, then I take a bath or shower and cry and then I feel a lot better and I just get through it somehow; I just go step by step. You know? I don’t know if that’s exactly what you’re talking about, but I hope it helps. Good luck! Remember you can do it.

A few days ago
Sarah Smile
I did the same thing…..all I can say is DON’T over due it at least not right away. You have to remember for each class you are enrolled in, there are hours of homework. If you can do just one class to start, I would highly recommend that until you get back into the grove of school. Just be patient, it will be easier than you think πŸ™‚