A few days ago

I’d like to take classes while my husband is in Basic Training at a community college but have some questions

First in high school my favorite subjects were math and science classes and since I’m planning to join him after his training and I will be a mommy at that time with little time for educational pursuits I want to use this opportunity to take Calculus and perhaps Mechanics of Solids (Physics). I don’t want Chemistry because I’m concerned with exposing my unborn child to chemicals while in the lab. I also don’t want English, History, Ethnic Studies because I don’t want to waste the limited opportunity I have. My girlfriends told me that they will not allow me to take science and math at first and will require me to take those classes I don’t want because they are required for a degree in all subject areas. Can I request an exemption from the counselor and be allowed to take Calculus and Physics in the beginning since I don’t have time to waste on general education subjects. After my husband finishes his training I want to spend all my time taking care of him and the baby.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Prof. Cochise

Favorite Answer

You very well may be able to test out of those basic courses. When I entered college with just a GED, I tested out of 42 hours.

Your girlfriends probably are wrong. Call up the Admissions Office – they’ll talk to you and give you accurate information. If you have the prerequisites, [pre-calculus probably], you have a very good opportunity to take only those courses you are interested in.

Good luck to you


A few days ago
You can register for any classes that don’t require pre-requisites. They will usually test you in math and then tell you what level math classes you can take (in other words, you can’t take calculus unless you have either taken and passed the pre-requisites, OR your score on the test is high enough). If you put down on the application that you are taking the classes for ‘personal interest’ ‘instead of ‘towards a degree’ then there will be no required general education component.

If at some future time in your life you do decide you want a degree, then you can take the general education requirements at that time.

My best advice is instead of getting on yahoo answers, get on the website of the community college you want to go to — you may find all the answers you want there — if not, there will be an e-mail address for the counselling department and you can ask specific questions to them.

Best of luck with the classes and the baby!


A few days ago
I don’t think the people telling you that you HAVE to take English, History, and Ethic Studies understand the question.

You only have to take those classes if you are working towards a specific degree.

it sounds like you want to take Calculcus and Physics for your own fun or educational purposes. The only thing you will have to worry about are the pre-requsites. These are the classes you will have to take BEFORE you take a desired class. You shouldn’t have any problems with the science classes, but you may with the calculus. If I remember correctly you need to have a passing grade in College Algebra and Pre-Calculus before you can take Calculus.

If you are REALLY good at math there may be a way out of those pre-requsites, and that is to test out of them. Ask your school about testing out of classes. And if you take the Algebra or Pre-Calculus test and don’t pass them, don’t worry about it. Most people don’t. Those are not entery level classes. If you are able to test into College Algebra you are doing pretty good.


A few days ago
It probably depends of whether you wish to register as proceeding towards a degree or not. If not, then your institution likely has some status such as “Special Student” for those taking courses but not enrolled as proceeding towards a degree. I would think most institutions, if they are not overcrowded, would be happy to take your money and let you take the courses you want. But do talk with the office of the Registrar and/or Admission and get it straight from them. Don’t rely on what your friends tell you because this is actually rather technical stuff which even those of us in colleges/universities have a hard time keeping straight.

good luck.


A few days ago
Deanna B
I am not sure if your girlfriends is altogether correct. While there may be certain prerequisites to some classes, I do not believe you have to complete all your core requirements before taking chemistry. Best thing to do is make an appointment with your counselor and ask them. It might just be the rules for certain schools or areas of studies, but you should be able to take whatever you want as long as you cover the prerequisites.

A few days ago
Love Exists?
well since you are going to be paying for it I don’t see why not specially if your not going to get a degree. But those classes will not worth much if you don’t get the usual requirements of core classes. Like you won’t be able to transfer to a university afterwards with out the English and humanities. Ethnic studies is not required but English one and two. humanities one and two. Either World civilization or US. History and either psychology or sociology are required to transfer to a university later.

Also your school is going to make you take CPT ( college placement test) if you have been out of school for 2 years. it is very easy if you can do math with out calculator.

You will have to take college Algebra before you can take calculus ( as far as I know )

Good luck.

They don’t use that harm full stuff in chemistry labs and your allow to wear a mask if you want. only thing that even smells harmful is Ammonia but its not bad for you to smell it just don’t eat it =)

since student register for there own classes no one can stop you if you get the right test scores and pay the fees. since your only taking them for I don’t want to say fun but only for your own benefit. Some classes do have pre requisites like Calculus pre req is college Algebra or Statistics . and Physical science ( physics) you can’t take it with out taking College Algebra first. or you take both of them at the same time. Also if you did not take two years of physics in high school you are going to take introduction to physics first.

BTW colleges have free counselors who will help you.


A few days ago
I’m not sure, but probably not. You HAVE to take those other classes no matter what.