A few days ago
Muruga Vel

how will i improve my personality for campus interview?

how will i improve my personality for campus interview?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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I’ve successfully answered a LOT of questions, but THIS is a tough one.

I’ve answered police department oral examinations. Here’s what we were taught:

Follow the interviewers manerisms. Become “cameleon” and try to sum up who and what they are and what they like. If the interviewer is soft spoken, be the same. Loud and outgoing? Do the same.

Maintain eye contact, but don’t have a staring contest. Fold your hands together in front of you on the desk. Don’t sit until invited to sit…shows you have manners. Don’t fidgit. Don’t be late. Don’t arrive too early, creates anxiety.

Take a slow, deep breath before you answer every question. Allows you to organize your thoughts.

Rehearse your answers in front of a mirror. Do it AT LEAST ONCE. This may sound stupid, but you’ll be amazed how much it helps.

Never smoke.

Keep yourself hydrated before the interview. Don’t go hungry…you’ll get jittery if your blood sugar falls.

Empty your bladder.

Remember that colleges are Democratic and Liberal associations. Hold your Republican and conservative opinions unless there are guns and military awards hanging on the wall.

You’re going to college to “make the world a better place and to contribute to society.”

Don’t wear trendy outfits. No jewelry…you’re there to LEARN.

Even if you don’t need it, ask them about employment with the college. Team player mentality.

And of course, this isn’t about “improving your personality.” This is all about SALES.