A few days ago
genious man

how to read books ( academic books ) without feeling sleepy ??

hi , im college student , i have examination these days , i always fall in sleep and felt tired when read academic books , so how to avoid sleeping and getting bored , i get bored too fast , i read only half an hour and i slept , get you tell me some tips how to read an academic books and how to be an avid reader ??

i am really in dillema with books

thanks for your help

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Take breaks. Like other posters, I read for twenty minutes, then check my email/get some coffee, whatever. Just make sure you go back to reading.

Try to read in a place where it would not be comfortable for you to fall asleep. Sleeping on your bed, comfortable. Sleeping on the hard table in a public place like a coffee shop, awkward.

Actively read. Highlight and take notes. Stop in between every chapter and try to sumarize the chapter in a few sentances.

Also, don’t expect to read *everything.* Most of the time, you’re not doing this for indepth reading, you’re doing it to get the gist for a conversation/exam/etc.


A few days ago
Similar to what was posted above, it was in a study, that the first 10 mins and the last 10 mins of any reading period is when you’ll remember the most. So do as what above says, and read for short periods and then take a break.

I find it that whenever I read in bed or in something comfortable I tend to fall usleep. Try to read in an upright position. Go to starbucks or a library where you won’t want to fall asleep.

Reading after you wake up in the morning might be better, because you will have already rested and you won’t fall asleep anytime soon.


5 years ago
Wow.I thought it was only me.I feel sleepy ,but don’t go to bed and the sleep goes away.Sometimes I say I just wanna have some rest and say that I’d close my eyes for just one min then continue reading the book and I found myself waking up hours later.Lol.

A few days ago
Lady D
try reading for shorter periods of time. About 20 minutes max. Then, do something else from homework for about 5 minutes. Maybe watch tv or listen to some music. Or get up and stretch. I also have some sort of healthy snack nearby to have during my reading in order to give me energy. Sometimes I use candy too. I’ve used carrots and dip, pickles, cut up fruit, popcorn, gummy bears….

chopping up your reading time helps to break the monotony and boredom of it!

Best of luck to you!


A few days ago
At first SIT correctly behind your desk all the time i think .it’s the most important one . and also it’s better if you’re studying in your bedroom or where you’re bed is .. not looking at it when you’re reading.,

and whether you’re interested in the subject or not, just tell yourself that you love it. ,,,you can not hate it and also understand it…

At last shorten your reading periods to 50 minutes ( worked fine for me ) have a 15 min break and then start again ..


I don;t know if it works for you or not 😀 put small ice cubes in your mouth during reading period


A few days ago
it’s a common problem faced by any college student .So don’t worry.

read a paragraph once n think that u r a teacher n u r teaching to others n just do it .

then u’ii remember it for longer n sleep doesn’t touch u.

just take intervals for every 20min., u don’t get boar again

all d best for ur exams


A few days ago
Coffee or any other stimulant should do the trick. Read in small bursts, then outline what you have read, that way it’ll sink in better.