A few days ago

How much would an Academic earn on average for publishing a book?

Any academics out there?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

My dissertation adviser has published two books that are pretty widely read/cited and used in classes and she jokes that she makes enough to go out to 2 nice dinners a year on the earnings.

Then again, those books led to her getting tenure and eventually a fancy endowed chair…


A few days ago
Academics publish books in order to secure tenure, or to have all of their ideas in one place once they’ve been granted tenure. They do not publish for profit.

The average academic book has a reading audience of maybe 100-250, which results in pocket-change earnings.


A few days ago
Thomas M
In most cases – almost nothing. The market for most academic books is very small. Only a popular textbook or a best-selling history book would be likely to earn an academic anything close to his/her salary from his/her university job.