A few days ago

How do schools calculate a GPa if you went to The CCAF since they grade on pass/fail only?

The Community College of the Air Force grades on a pass/fail basis only. I am transferring to the University of Idaho and trying to get the Western Undergraduates Exchange scholarship, how will the school calculate a GPA for me? The CCAF doesn’t provide one, and I would need at least a 3.0 for the scholarship.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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There are two types of classes. The first kind is graded (A,B,C,D,F and all the +- of each) the second kind is pass/fail. Pass/fail as i am sure you know is if you get above a 75% then you pass. GPA is based on the ABCDF scale. If you are taking all pass/fail classes then you dont have a GPA. Usually core curriculum such as math and english have the GPA scale. All you can do is submit your passes and hope that is enough because you dont have a GPA. If you have all passes then you should be okay.