A few days ago
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homework help….?

The assignment is to differentiate between conservation and preservation but to me they mean practically the same thing and I cannot come up with a way to describe how they are different….. I am not asking for you to do the assignment for me but to please give ideas for how they are different.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Conservation is when you convserve the land, meaning whatever is done is done and nothing more is done to it.

Perservation is when its in natural state. NOTHING is done to it.

For example, if you preserve something, take the forest in china or wherever there is a forest, you don’t do anything to it at all!(most people sign a petition to stop construction) but convervation is like the redwood forest, theres people that visit, some changes have been done(trail, campsites) but the main idea is still there(redwood).\

Basically, they’re both the same but perservation is a more radical approach while sonservation isn’t.


A few days ago
go to answers. com, you will find some distinctions there. In my opinion, particularly related to science, conservation allows the subject to change the state as long as the total energy and mass do not change, while preservation prevents the subject from changing or deteriorating.

Good luck !