A few days ago
krystal G

HELP PLEASE!!! a couple things here!!!!?

I want to know if this makes sense to you …because if it does i want to put into my college essay!!! THANKS!!

Every person that i help is also a doctor. every person that comes to me is in need for mental help or physical help “there patients”. At what point of the history did a doctor become more then a trusted and learned friend who visited and treated the ill. I believe a Doctor’s mission should not be just to prevent death to improve quality of life. You treat a disease you win and lose you treat a person I guarentee you will win. I want to be a doctor with all my heart. I want to be a doctor so i can serve others. I have shared the lives of my patients As a personal care attendant. I’ve laughed I’ve cryed with them This is what i want to do with my life.

Also I want to put this in my essay too …but i dont know how to word it please help me!!!!!!!!!

I want to put in some more information on me volunteering and helping a very good friend of mine who has cancer and M.S I just don’t know how to word it please help me!!!!!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I am sorry to say it, but if you seek to treat people out of personall satisfaction, you are going to be sadly let down. There are plenty of people entering the medical field in hopes of changing the horrible face our doctors currently have en masse. The truth is, human nature will not allow you to “treat a person” for very long. Personal relationship and the like are limited, not only for security reasons. Your big and loving heart cannot sustain the losses envolved with the medical field. The more your job will demand of you, the less energy you will have. The greif of loss will demand even more energy, and so forth. Doctors consume themselves in logic, and abandon emotion so that they can focus on finding their cures and whatnot. Most doctors become completely apathetic, dealing with their patients in a way that benefits them more than anything. For instance, the doctor that prescribes a pill, not suited to the patient’s needs as much as to the commission he will get for prescribing it.

hope. the final frontier.


A few days ago
You need grammer help. It’s “they’re patients” not “there.”

It’s cried, not cryed.

The general tone is good but you do need a proofreader.


A few days ago
sorry but i cant help u