A few days ago

help 4 studing?

i got only 8 dayz to study for my mid-term exams and i didnt even start

i have to study for 4 subjects

please someone help me

i got alot to study

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Maddie Renee

Favorite Answer

what are you studying. make flashcards . write outlines. play your tape recorder over and over when you sleep. study study study.

A few days ago
The best thing to do would be look over previous notes. Try to pick out the important things each teacher was talking about. Once you have some sort of idea of what type of questions might appear on your midterm, look over the book. Read up on those certain topics. For certain subjects like language/math/science flash cards with important words, facts, and equations are a good way to quiz yourself and memorize what you are going to need to learn. Also a big thing that people forget to do while they are cramming is take breaks. If you study for two hours straight take a 30/45 minute break where you just relax and clear your head before you go back to hitting the books. Make sure you look over past tests and quizzes because teachers love to take questions from previous exams that people tend to miss, so make sure you go over things that you didn’t understand the first time. The last suggestion I can make is get a study buddy, someone in each of your classes that knows the material well or might need to do some extra studying as well, they can help reinforce things that you might have trouble understanding without the teachers help. Best of luck on your mid-terms!

A few days ago
Dungeon Master Level 4
8 days!?!, I had like 8 hours for 6 subjects, and I got 5 As and 1 B! Don’t worry about it! It’s best not to reread chapters, just go over notes, chapter summaries, midterm reviews from your teachers (usually on their websites), etc. You still got 8 days, you’re gonna do fine!

A few days ago
Work on your grammar first.

Studing is not a word. It is pronounce “studying”.

Use the word “have” instead of “got”

Alot is not a word. The correct spelling is “a lot”


A few days ago
Suzana R
on a note side …go and study girl don’t look up for answers on the Internet. You could have started earlier. Look at the bright side ……..this is student life.

A few days ago
what kind of subjects u have …. if you have to memorize stuff just keep writing the answers and learn it by heart,, and for math try a lot of examples and try to analyze thinfs and try to see how did you get this answer and this solution. if you havethe multiple choice in your exam take it easy calm down you can work on it and you will pass.. Just read what yours give you s homework or the importance they give…. its easy…

A few days ago
get off the frekin computer and myspace and start studying

A few days ago
1) stay away from your computer

2) open your books

3) start studying


A few days ago
i suggest you get off dis site den, and GO STUDY.. that would help

A few days ago
is this a question?