Getting a late start at college?
Alternativley, we may be moving before I can…What colleges have really good writing programs, not journalism?
Favorite Answer
Have you considered what college you want to attend or your major? If you are moving, will it be out of state? If so, you will likely have to pay out-of-state tuition for college. I definitely suggest you fill out a Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA), you can do it online: There’s tons of aid available, need based or not, from Pell grant to student loans.
Getting your transcripts is easy. Either the college will have you fill out a transcript request form and mail it to your high school or you just have to contact the high school yourself. Your high school will likely send your transcripts directly to the college after they’ve been requested.
Here’s a helpful link for finding colleges and majors:
As far as writing schools, no idea… But I might find someone you really trust or seek out someone who might know… like editors at the sorts of publishing house you envision submitting to… and ask.
Not exactly a source of funding, but if you identify a 4-year school that you plan on attending, ask them if they have a transfer partnership with a community college. Usually, if they do, you can take your first 2 years worth of classes for a cheaper rate and–some schools–gain entry without regard for high school scores. Some states, like Arizona, have special arrangements between the state schools (ASU, NAU, U of A) and the community colleges to allow students to enter the 4-year schools without any other requirement if a student has completed an Associate’s at the lower level that contains a basic 35-credit block of specified classes.
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