A few days ago

Few questions about pharmacy school/life?

Could you tell me the average ratio for students who apply to pharm school verses the number of students that get accepted from the lot for instance 3:1?

I attended rutgers university in NJ and i got accepted to the 2+4 program. Living in NJ when im orginally from Hawaii.. plus 5 EXTREMELY horrible roommates and sheer homesickness put me in depression. I transferred back to my home at the University of Hawaii, and college is about to start in 12 days, i don’t feel up to par with taking organic chemstiry and anatomy and physiology with my depression. But yes im currently getting treated. Any advice on what to do? I feel sluggish, lazy, and unmotivated… *sigh*

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Believe in yourself. This is the first thing you have to do. Your experiences in NJ does not mean that you’ll get the same ones back home.

Try to be happy EVERYDAY! The way you feel about yourself will dictate your college life and success.

Finally, RELAX. You’re in Hawaii now. I would love to be living in Hawaii with the nice environment, the beach and beautiful people walking everywhere.

Carpe Diem!



A few days ago
my dads a pharmacist but i have no clue whatsoever thanks for asking are u studying or soming