A few days ago

Does San Jose State have a great undergrad business admin program?

Will it be able to land a job at a stable company (like a fortune 100 company) right after i graduate or within a year or 2? Will it be hard to get a job on the east coast?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

None of the CSU schools are particularly selective or prestigious. You would do better going to a UC school if you can get in.

That being said — you can still get a great education there — if you apply yourself. Getting the great job out of school will depend on how you are able to distinguish yourself. If you can prove that you are a great student coming out of a mediocre school — you will still get a decent job.


A few days ago
It is fine, but great is a matter of perspective. You probably can find a decent job, as you could graduating from any decent program, but because it is quite regional, it may be a little more difficult to find a job on the east coast.

A few days ago
San Jose State?

Ehhh. No one really goes there to be successful, lol.