A few days ago

Does really a grade report in higher institutions express an individual admitted?

The grade report of universities and colleges of third world countries for prmotion of personal life need and economic contribution is always arguementative.Trainees do not feel good at it.Furthermore there are number of critism about the reality of evaluating.Incontrast to this individuals with good grade report are there with unsatisfactoy duty implementing.Especially this is a great problem in my home country.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Nancy J

Favorite Answer

It is always a matter of controversy whether a university grade report is an accurate expression of the student; however, in order to compare students in an objective manner, there needs to be standardized methods, such as grades and (in some countries) standardized tests, such as the SAT or ACT.

A few days ago
I would say that it does.
