A few days ago

Does anyone have any advice on goin to culinary school right out of high school?

I’m a junior in high school now and I’m really interested in going to culinary school. I just want some advice on whether anyone thinks its a good decision or not. If it is a good idea, what are some good schools? Any idea on how much it would be and how long it would take to “graduated”?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
San Diego Art Nut

Favorite Answer

I looked up a local school and I think their course was about $22,000.

That would go a long way toward a college education. I would reccomend that you take the basic courses you need for a college education at a low cost junior college. Work next summer and after school in a restaurant. See if that is what you really want to do. The college will help you with whatever you decide.

Whatever culinary school you look at ask to speak to some of their sucessful graduates. They should be more than willing to brag about their sucesses.


A few days ago
It is a good idea check into your community colleges. I don’t know where you are located but you can search online for them or even go there. You can enroll now if you really wanted to see what it’s like and your high school should pay the tuition.

A few days ago
Look for schools via internet in your area. Many schools offer certificates that you can obtain in two years or less. If you are interested in the restaurant industry you should try yo get a part-time job cooking or even dish-washing to get a feel for the environment.

4 years ago
there’s a potential referred to as desensitize questioning. Physiologist and psychiatrist use it each and all of the time. previously you circulate to sleep get soft in mattress, close your eyes and tell your self which you comprehend precisely what this college is approximately and how great things will circulate on the 1st day, get a picture of your self walking down a college hallway, it won’t rely that it is not that particular college hallway, only tell your self it somewhat is, see teenagers passing you and nodding and waving, see your self nodding and waving back. the technique works because of the fact your recommendations can not tell a actual journey from an imagined one. Martial artists use this gadget each and all of the time.

A few days ago
its easy to get in to these schools but they are extremely expensive, thats the one downside to them…so id worry more about funding this endeavor than trying to prepare academically