A few days ago

Do you think living in the college dorms is vital to the college experience?

I will be transferring to a university and am considering living in the dorms. Because it is a huge school, i might get an apartment about 10 minutes from the school but a friend insists that I live in the dorms. She says college won’t be the same if you don’t live in the dorms for at least one semester and tat even if I hate it, I will appreciate the experience looking back on it. What do you think?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

although most would say that you have to try living in a dorm in order for you to get the ‘ultimate’ college experience, i personally feel that the term is very subjective-meaning this depends on the individual.

you can still have an awesome time at college without knowing what it’s like to live in a dorm.if you really cherish your own personal space, then it may be a better college experience for you if you stay in an apartment throughout your college years.

having said that, if you’re one of those people who would like to be able to look back on your college years and be able to say ‘yeah, i know what it felt like living in a dorm’, then it really wouldn’t hurt if you give it a shot for one semester!

the point is,it’s YOU who decide what the ultimate college experience is for yourself!


A few days ago
It depends, If you like your freedom get an apartment, if you want a more confined environment then live in the dorm. however you probably should try the dorm first then you can get an apartment with some dorm mates … Good Luck

A few days ago
Tim Buck
If you want a true college experience, you’re probably going to have to live in a dorm

A few days ago
I agree with her. I only lived there year and it wasn’t the best but it was a huge experience. Definitely do it a semester at least.

A few days ago
Of course it is.

If you don’t live in the dorms you are always an outsider.

You will look back in 20 years full of regret that you never got involved.

You only get one chance to make this decision. Don’t f*ck it up – get in the dorms, you won’t regret it.


A few days ago
Yes I think without dorms it isn’t college

A few days ago
its a big yes but stay away from drugs parties and sex parties mostly dorms involved in it and its better to know your room partner in better way and as per your thoughts

A few days ago
You’ll only regret the things you don’t do…try it out…

A few days ago
I think it is detrimental to health and education.