A few days ago

Do you carry around a laptop at college a lot, or not so much?

I am going to get a laptop, but I want to know how often I would be carrying it around at college. Would I be carrying it everyday, once a week, or never. Help me please. Also what kind of laptop should I get.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Kaylynn Jane

Favorite Answer

I carry a laptop around almost every day, I use it for lectures, it’s a lot easier to type notes than it is to fill in lecture outlines. If you plan on using your laptop in class, it’s best to get a lighter laptop. I have a Dell, which is pretty standard, weight-wise. The Apple laptops are a lot lighter but only encouraged if you’re going into a creative field (design, arts, music, etc.) because business-type programs are more functional on Windows.

A few days ago
Alright, so I very rarely bring my laptop to class especially because I’m afraid that there are graphs (i.e. economics) that I can’t draw quickly with a word processor. No matter how small your laptop is, it’s a pain in the you-know-what to carry it around (unless your walk to campus is really short). I find myself taking my laptop to class at most once a month, but it really depends on you. I love taking notes by hand because I feel like I absorb the material much easier (rather than typing random facts that have no meaning).

I have to defend macs because I have one. I’m a political science/international relations major at UCLA. They do pretty much everything that a PC does, and it’s a whole lot easier to use (doesn’t freeze up as much as a PC, because viruses are mainly geared toward PCs. Apple makes their products very secure. The only reason I would get a PC is if I were to be a computer scientist (though now Macs have Boot Camp and can run Windows smoothly as well). So, go for a mac- i’ve got a 13″ macbook. I’ve had it for a year and it’s still really fast. It’s small enough to bring to your friend’s dorm room, study in the lounge, or even bring it to class. It’s literally the size of a normal paperback textbook.

Have fun!