A few days ago

do u think college is necesary for success?

state ur arguments

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No there are many people who have succeeded with less than a college degree. Of course if you have a particular goal in mind college may help you get there. Or if you have intentions of going into a professional field like a doctor or nurse. But you won’t need a college degree to start your own business.

A few days ago
Yes, College and University is important in India and China, but I am pretty sure, you can get away in America. There are plenty of jobs for Burger flippers. Don’t work hard and go to a University. Let kids your age from India and China take over well paid jobs in America. You always have the option of getting a job of a Secretary. We need people for low paying jobs.

A few days ago
it depends on your field, but it certainly can’t hurt…..

“There is considerable support for the notion that the rate of return on investment in higher education is high enough to warrant the financial burden associated with pursuing a college degree. Though the earnings differential between college and high school graduates varies over time, college graduates, on average, earn more than high school graduates. According to the Census Bureau, over an adult’s working life, high school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million; associate’s degree holders earn about $1.6 million; and bachelor’s degree holders earn about $2.1 million (Day and Newburger, 2002).

These sizeable differences in lifetime earnings put the costs of college study in realistic perspective. Most students today– about 80 percent of all students–enroll either in public 4-year colleges or in public 2-year colleges. According to the U.S. Department of Education report, Think College Early, a full-time student at a public 4-year college pays an average of $8,655 for in-state tuition, room and board (U.S. Dept. of Education, 2002). A full-time student in a public 2-year college pays an average of $1,359 per year in tuition (U.S. Dept. of Education, 2002).”



Basically, college grads earn more. So if you’re measuring success by income earned, yes, college is necessary. However, there are lots of successful people who never went to college, but I think college is a valuable experience, for academics as well as social and work applicable values.


A few days ago
no. the guy that wrote the strandford nine and several other tests was a high school drop out. There has been a guy that jumped from profession to profession just trying to find something entertaining without any training and education, but did the same thing as any other person in their profession (with all the years of education).

A few days ago
depends on what you call success…

college does present more OPPORTUNITIES for success..

but what it really comes down to is happiness

you can be successful with a college degree and still

be unhappy

or there are people who dont go to college but attained THEIR idea of success and are happy


A few days ago
Sarah B
A college degree is definitely becoming more and more necessary for today’s job market.

A few days ago
Kirk S
A college degree opens a lot of doors that wouldn’t be open otherwise.

The degree will not guarantee success, but it WILL increase your odds.


A few days ago
of course it is! college can help u get a better job. a job that u want to be all ur life!!! like ur dream job. mine is to become a cycayatrist