A few days ago
hi there

do colleges like to see that you went to summer school at another college?

say i went to summer school at Georgetown, and than applied to georgetown and duke (odviously you apply to more than just these to schools). odviously georgetown would like to see that i attended their summer school, but do you think it still would help you with another school other than georgetown (in this case, duke)?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

As a former admission professional at a selective liberal arts college, trust me when I say that it won’t hurt you to list this information. Colleges (especially the types of schools that you list in your question) are looking for students who have pushed themselves academically and socially. These types of programs are exactly that. They show that you have initiative and that you seek academic challenge. This will bode well for your chances of getting in and the possibility of getting scholarships.

If you still aren’t sure, contact your admission counselor – these schools are paying people to be there to answer questions like this, and they would be happy to help you out. I know that it can be a little nerve-wracking to do this, but they would answer honestly.


A few days ago
Doing a summer program is totally up to you. It will really not help you in the admissions process, but if it is a program you are interested in then I’d say go for it. The things that will get you into schools like Georgetown and Duke are grades, SATs, extracurriculars, etc. I’ve always seen summer programs for high school students as ways for the schools to make extra money. My advice: spend your summer volunteering. That shows a school you’re a dedicated individual, which will improve your application much more than paying for a summer program.

Good luck applying to school!


A few days ago
Ah!! Good question. I am very interested in Georgetown as well, but here is the deal. I’m afraid that most college summer schools are just there to get money. I even got flyers about them but you can take the same courses at your high school (AP classes.) The summer school does not look good or bad on a resume to colleges…it is just there. My sister has gone through this whole process. If you really want to look good to colleges…do well in school, challenge yourself, volunteer, participate in clubs and sports, and hold many leadership positions. There is not much else you can do. Good luck to you!

A few days ago
۞An Amazing Life۞
Yes! Summers are intense. Going to summer school will show that you are a determined serious student.