A few days ago

College Recommendations?

Ok, I’m a senior this year…and, I feel really ignorant asking this but, how many letters of recommendation should I have?

Or, how many teachers should I ask for letters of recommendation?

Please help.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

First, gather at least one more letter than is required on your application (for college or for a scholarship). Just in case someone forgets to write the letter.

Generally, they can give you the letter in a sealed and signed over the flap envelope. However, ask them if they can either save a copy or give you a copy (in case it’s lost in the mail).

You can ask teachers from your other high school, as they have had you for 3 years vs. 1 year. This is perfectly acceptable.

When you ask for letters, make sure you give them a “due date” that is about 2 weeks before your materials need to be sent in. Give them a copy of the criteria, along with a copy of your transcript so they can be reminded of your grades. You may also just want to provide an addressed, stamped envelope that they can sign.

Good luck!


A few days ago

A few days ago
Even though you are at a new school this year, your teachers have gotten to know you over the past year so a recommendation letter from one of the teachers you have now should be fine. If you could get one of your favorite teachers at your old school to send you one, that would be great, but I don’t think it’s necessary to get into the school you want. If you are applying to more than one college (which most students do) ask three or four teachers for several copies of the recommendation letter they draft for you, that way you have them when you need them for whatever application you are sending, rather than inconveniencing your teacher by having him or her send it to each college separately (costs them postage and teachers don’t get paid alot!)

The teachers will give you a sealed letter – DO NOT OPEN IT. Transcripts, status letters, and recommendation letters are official educational documents and are void if tampered with. If you are really curious about what your teachers said about you, just ask; or request an unofficial copy of the letter they wrote.

The number of letters needed/requested depends on the college, another reason why it might be a good idea to get them in advance and attach however many the college recommends to each application. Read the guidelines for recommendations on each application – some colleges want one or two letters from teachers and one or two letters from community members or mentors to show you have involved yourself in extra-curricular activities or shown leadership in your community. If that’s the case, get your coach to write one if you play a sport, the teacher who sponsors a club you belong to, or even a religious leader. Getting different kinds of recommendations shows you are a well-rounded student who will add to the campus community of whatever college you attend.

Best of luck!


A few days ago
Your school should have a College Advisory Department, or something similar. You should ask them these things, and you should probably be going through them with recommendations anyway.

A few days ago
justine lauren
I am assuming you need recommendation letters for a college or scholarship application. If you do, then you’ll need to refer to the application, it should tell you. Generally, a good number is three.