A few days ago
hi there

college counselor?

what grade level do most people get a college counselor? is it junior year and up until then your regular high school counselor helps you with things?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Most students rely on their high school counselors. The problem with that is they don’t confer with parents or answer a parents many questions.

You can get a private college counselor at any time your family chooses. The advantage with that is that they can can find many different scholarships and help you develop a plan of action, and materials to apply for them. They will also meet with parents to answer questions and develop an entire plan for the family. They also help finding ACTand SAT tutors and programs.


A few days ago
Your high school counselor should be able to assist you with college decisions. This can begin as early as the 7th or 8th grade depending upon your school.

Counselors are trained to assist students with choices for education not just for their current needs, but future needs as well. Schedule an appointment with your school counselor and let her know that you are very interested in beginning discussions about college.


A few days ago
i have never heard of a junior or even a senior going to a college counselor. your high school counselors are suppose to be the one that assists you with everything college until you are actually in college. they have all the facts on scholarships, colleges, apps and stuff like that.