A few days ago
francesca c

college classes?

has anyone ever gotten into a class where it was incredibly full? or have has anyone ever convinced a professor to add you to the class? if so, how did you go about doing it? one of my biggest problems is that i’m shy. i’d rather convince someone to do something through email or calling but those ways aren’t as effective as doing it in person.

another thing is that in order to be covered with my step-dad’s insurance i have to take at least 12 units of courses in college. if i’m under 12 units, then the insurance doesn’t cover for me. which is why its important i get into at least 4 classes.

anyway. if anyone has any tips/advice they could share that would be so helpful!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Go the first day of class with the proper add forms your school provides. You might get these from your deparment’s advisor or the registrar’s office.

Find a place up front and be prepared to take notes like you are already enrolled in the class.

If the professor calls roll, they might ask if anyone’s name was not called. If they ask why you aren’t on the roll tell them you need to add this class. Most will want to take care of this business after class, so be patient.

Be prepared, however, not all professors will add students over the limit. Even if the school will allow this, it is still up the professor’s discretion.

I got into a full class simply by asking the professor at the end of class. She added a couple of people who were not enrolled.

Good luck.


A few days ago
You would simply try to get into contact with that professor and explain why it is that you want to take that class at this particular time. Tell him that you have heard great things from past class members about their teaching style and that you would greatly benefit from it in the long run. This has worked for me recently. Hope this helps.