A few days ago
Jim R

college at 26?

i feel so lost i have been out of high school for almost 3 years i’ve done a year of city year and worked 2 years i am thinking about going to college but feel that i am too old to be starting college i should be in my 3 or 4 year will it be weird i because of my age will it be differant because of my age i also have felony for robbery and feel a degree would be a waste of time because i will be unable to get a good job with felony please help i feel so lost can i still become social worker

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Go to the social work registry licensing board website. It lists a LOT of things that tell you whether you will be able to get licensed. They have a board that meets that goes over felonies/records and they make the final decision. I can tell you if it has anything to do with child abuse/neglect/ etc. they will NOT license you nor will you be able to appeal.. They will look at your record since the robbery and make a decision on that. The thing is you have to already have your bachelors in sw and be applying for licensure for them to do that. It’s a catch 22 . Call them and ask them (number on web) what there rules are. It would be terrible for you to get that degree and not be able to get licensed.

I am still in school at 36 so you are NEVER too old to go to school ..you would be amazed at how many of us “old people” are there LOL. Teachers value an older person ..they know that its’ because that person is there to learn and not to party and goof off (like I did at 19). GL


A few days ago
It is never too late to begin college! I was 36 when I started, and 8 years later, I had a double-major BA and an MA! Yes, the undergrad took 6 years, but I had the usual older adult responsibilities…hubby, kids, church, etc. Yes, both degrees took 8 years, but if I hadn’t gone to school, I would have still been 44, regardless, so here I had a masters degree in English, and now I’m teaching at the community college at night, in addition to my day job!

I don’t know about the felony; you’ll have to check with others about that…but do the research, and maybe you will be able to get a decent job after the work you put into a college degree. You never known until you check it out!

Good luck!


A few days ago
I can’t answer about your felony, but if I was going to do it all over again, I would have waited a few years before starting college. College takes commitment, and you get out of it what you put into it. Sometimes, as teenagers right of high school we are too immature to really study. I think that I understand things better now, more focused, more life experience, and that would have helped me a lot in college.

Good luck. People change, and as others have already answered, be honest about the robbery. It really shows a lot that you recognize your youthful mistakes and are willing to work to better your life.


A few days ago
whata waste
you can go to college at any age. My friends mother started at 45. The felony conviction on your record could keep you from getting a decent job. Before going to college check out some jobs and see if you could be hired with that felony. You could still be hired if it was a long time ago and if you haven’t been in any more trouble. Just be honest with potential employers and tell them you did make a mistake but have turned your life around and want to help others. good luck and don’t give up!

A few days ago
Laura M
You definitely arent too old to go back to school. Everyone here has provided great info as far as checking with local agencies to ensure that the type of mark on your record will not effect your chances of getting a job. As far as schools are concerned, many people have the same concerns that you have – they are a liile older and dont like the idea of being in class with 18-21 year olds. Consider getting your degree from a regionally accredited online university. You may still qualify for financial aid and can even transfer previously earned college credits. Although there are a lot of online schools out there, I highly recommend Kaplan University. Feel free to email me for more information.

A few days ago
I’m not sure about the felony, but I don’t think it’s too late to go to start college at 26. I just graduated from a uni, and I saw many people who I think they are older than 30 are in my classes. They are cool. I think may be it’s because they are mature, so they can concentrate and pay more attention in classes better than most younger students. Anyway, everything is depend on yourself. If you really really want to go to college, nothing can stop you.

4 years ago
Goodness, you’re nonetheless youthful. I graduated from college whilst i became 40 3, purely 6 months in the previous my oldest new child graduated from intense college. particular, you won’t be like the final public of scholars, yet there’ll be older pupils on your classes besides. i don’t be attentive to if a legal could have any effect on you growing to be to be a social worker. I propose contacting your community social service company and ask them. it could make you much greater captivating as you would be an outstanding place type for others who’ve made blunders, paid for that mistake and long gone directly to make some thing of your self. provide it a attempt and don’t provide up on your self.

A few days ago
Life isn’t a straight line. There are bumps and curves in the road–dead ends, stop signs; green lights and red ones.

I’ve been in Community College for 7 years. I have an associate’s degree in a field of study that I no longer wish to pursue. Now I’m 24 and I want to transfer out-of-state. Crazy? Perhaps. But you only live once.

I hope you do everything that is going to make you happy. Best of luck to you. 🙂


A few days ago
Start calling places that employ social workers and ask them about that felony, what could you do to neutralize that really unfortunate strike on your record so that they would be willing to hire you if you finished college.

You are certainly not too old to start college.


A few days ago
I am 22 and i went back to school last year. I am getting my A.A and transfer to virginia Tech. My freind is 37 years old and she went back to school after 20 years. So don’t feel bad that you haven’t gotten your degree.