A few days ago

Colege application-Describing myself in one word?

I was thinking responsible, but i’m sure they get that one all the time, do i need something unique, or can i be funny and say “me”? Any pointers would be great, and if there just happens to be a college admissions officer reading this please please let me know what your thoughts on the matter are! Thanks everyone!

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Don’t be funny. It’s your college application you’re talking about. Unless you’re applying for a comedic university, don’t try to humor your way into a university.

If you’re really responsible, then put it down. But you’re right, that is a “cliche” word. Try something like persistent or go-getter or resourceful. A good way to get around those “cliche” words is to use a thesaurus. For example, instead of using responsible…use accountable.


A few days ago
the question is, “what makes you unique?” i just wrote my college essay a month ago, and asked my teacher to edit it. He said it was really great and i had talent as a writer. But thats not the point. The point is, try not to be conceited in your essay and pick a uniqu event. Dont start telling your whole life story. Firstly , its tedious and secondly, mostly everyone does that. Add satire in the essay, but make sure it fits the context. Its really hard to be funny in a college essay, you would have to be quite clever to fit it in. Responsible? Millions of seniors will say the same. If you can, uset an adjective thats unique. Responsible, kind, nice, smart, intelligent, caring, do not fit this category. Also pick and experience that changed your life. But talk about that one moment that changed you…dont talk about how it began, just briefly describe the experience, and then talk about the ONE MOMENT that changed you, and how it changed you. good luck!! im sure you will do fine.

A few days ago
Your main task in your application is to attract the admissions officer’s attention. Humor is dangerous, because most people think they’re funny but really aren’t. A good way to tell if your word does what you need it to do is to show it to several adults; if they all agree that it made them smile without offending, then you may be on to something.

Most college application packages are dull. Well-written, carefully edited, boring nonsense. You want to do something that really humanizes you to the reader. Don’t say, “me,” because what does that tell the reader about you? Nothing! Everyone is a “me.”

Look over your essay, your transcript, and your extracurricular activities. Find the one element of your personality that you don’t think is conveyed in all of that stuff. That’s your word.


A few days ago

It shows you feel you are unique, that you have complexity, you carry yourself well, and you are articulate and well spoken by only saying one word.

It leaves the door wide open for almost anything, which would be implying that you are well rounded whereas responsible or accountable or any other words along those lines are one tracked, and they most likely say nothing about you as a whole. And even though Indescrible doesn’t say anything about you either, it says everything at the exact same time.


A few days ago
Hmm, sum yourself up with one word that is basically your characteristics all pushed together.

Like you said you could be funny and say “me”.

But also the resposibility streak shows you have a serious side also.

What about “complexed”

Or, Hmmmm.. i’m not sure.

Try finding out about your personality and come up with a good word that sums it all up.

Sorry i wasn’t helpful.

Good luck.. x


A few days ago
the best way to answer these types of questions is to make a long list of all your positive and negative aspects and also to ask someone who knows you well to make the same list..then sit down and choose which one is the best

A few days ago
Don’t do funny.

How about: determined, persistent, tenacious, adaptable, analytical, curious, creative