A few days ago

Can you be a Nurse Anesthetist and still have raise a family?

I’m thinking about becoming a nurse anesthetist but I sitll want to live a normal lifestyle…wife, kids, family, vacations, etc…but just with a lot more money since nurse anesthetists make a six figure income. Any suggestions or tips? Is it worth it for me to become a nurse anesthetist and is it a good job?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The most difficult part will be anesthesia school- a 24 to 30 month program. It takes a lot of diligence and studying to get through the program, but it can be done while married with children. (We have students at our hospital who have families and are doing fine) After that, find a position at a hospital with flexible scheduling, and you’re set. I work one 24 hour shift and one 16 hour shift per week. You typically start with 6 weeks vacation, so if you find the right hospital, you’ll have plenty of time for a normal lifestyle.

7 years ago
May be this site can help you http://mynursinghelp.com