A few days ago

Can someone tell me what to expect from college?

1. Will it be exciting

2. boring

3.or just like high school

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

the transition may be difficult: being around lots of new people, people you may have to live with and trust (or lose things), you will learn to get along with people in close quarters and to share. They will probably have sororities and dances, parties, etc. but if you’re not an A student then you will find it difficult to study and get good grades because the words are larger, it takes more time to figure out things, the material is hard, and the pace is quick, and if you go to a large school that has lots of students and lots of classrooms and different buildings you’ll find it confusing at first to get used to all that. Some classes (like here) are held in the gym because too many want to take the class, so you’re a number and not a person so if you don’t have the motivation (to do the work, to study, and get good grades) it will be difficult and a waste of time and money. Go to college only when you feel you are ready to do so.

A few days ago
Big change.

If you go to one near where you live you’ll have to get involved in the IN DORM activities, otherwise they’ll get involved with you if you are in the dorms.

Lots of work. Maybe 100 hours a week. Lots of work in the library. Labs. The campus is far bigger than highschool. The work is faster.

The auditorium courses are boring.

The small course in rooms can be very exciting and entertaining with the right instructor.


A few days ago
۞An Amazing Life۞
If you make it boring = boring

if you make it fun= fun

College is a huge change. It’s only like high school if you are immature. College is awsome and exciting, but what you get out of it is entirely up to you.


A few days ago
It’s like high school with ashtrays

A few days ago
It is what you bring to it, it can be any or all of your 3 choices.

A few days ago
big change, as long as you go away for college