A few days ago

Can Someone tell me what the best type of doctor to become that works in hospitals and makes a lot of money…

PLEase name all of them, and all doctors that have patient to patient contact and one that does not.

And Which doctor is the best one to be as not stressfull and mostly a HAPPY JOB!!

Thank you:)

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
robin r

Favorite Answer

cardiologist make great money.

5 years ago
That is a very broad question and should depend a lot on your preferences and goals – any physician working in a hospital will have a lot of patient contact – the ones that don’t teach or to a lesser extent, do research. A position where you are oncall, surgical specialities, and other areas that are becoming more and more prone to malpractice lawsuits and the like will be more stressful. As far as salaries, specialties with increasing demand such as geriatrics and orthopedic surgery may pay more rather than general fields like internal medicine or family practice. Granted that if money is at all a motivating factor, medicine is not something to go into unless you have other strong motivations for the career itself. Most medical students I’ve known finished medical school with a debt in the six figure range – and when they do their residency training afterwards, they get payed around $35-45K which is the average today for a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree.

A few days ago
It sounds like you shouldn’t be a doctor…

A few days ago
if those are your motivations, then you’ll likely not make a very good doctor