A few days ago

As I am applying for the Social Work Degree Program, I was asked to answer this question.. HELP!!!?

Ok, here it goes…

“Your personal statement should outline your reason(s) for applying to a professional

programme of social work studies, and identify your professional/learning goals and

any relevant vocational plans. The Selection Committee advises applicants to include in their personal statements what they have learned from their experiences that has relevance for social work. You are also welcome to provide any other information that you believe will be relevant to the Social Work Department and the University in selecting candidates for the social work

programme. Your personal statement should be approximately 1000-1500.”

Any and all suggestions will be appreciated! : )

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You will want to look at the schools website/materials and see how they talk about social work. Look at their mission statement, program objectives and related elements. You want to demonstrate that the reason you are looking at social work is congruent with their program. Don’t do this in an artificial way, but really consider why it is you are applying for social work, what you know about social work, but be sure that it fits with what they say about the profession. For example if they talk about social justice you want to be sure to include something in your essay about how you have seen or experienced injustice and how or in what way you are hoping to address it. Admissions committees are looking at two things. 1) Do you have the minimal qualifications; 2) how well will you fit with their program/what will you contribute to the program. DA

A few days ago
Focus on why you want a social work degree. Understand that typically degrees in this field will enable you to gain low paying entry level positions, while dealing with people in need. This is not a fun job unless your primary reason for doing this is to help society and your fellow man. More often than not, your efforts go un-noticed and you will feel like you are spinning your wheels. Again, respond to this question honestly, don’t manufacture a response just to get in the program. You may regret your choice if that happens.