A few days ago
travis v

Anyone know how to go about getting financial aid after defaulting on a previous loan?

Im 25 yrs old. I need either a private or gov. loan/fin. aid. There has to be a way for me to go back to school…right?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

i wish i could help you.

A few days ago
I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no way unless you can bring that loan out of default. The same happened to me several years ago and I made arrangements to pay X amount of money per month just to get me out of default status. Once I was in the green I applied for financial aid, etc… I then put the loan on deferment since I was a full time student. Only way to do it.

A few days ago
It requires that you bring the loan out of default and make the agreed payments for six months. There is indeed a way, and that is it.

An additional option is to enroll at the least expensive school you can find (local community college) and foot the bill with cash.


A few days ago
How about pay off your previous loan? Oh wait, that requires too much character right?

Well, there is always fraud.


A few days ago
look into fanny mae loans or ask about government grants this is free money you dont have to pay back


chris r