A few days ago

6-year BS/MD program? Medical School?

I really want to be a doctor, but don’t know where to apply to pre-med school.

Is there any doctors here? If so, where did you go to pre-med and medical school?How difficult was it for you?

Also, what do you think on taking a combined B.S/M.D program? Would it be more work than a person could handle?


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here is a link to schools that offer the combined degree programs: http://services.aamc.org/currdir/section3/degree2.cfm?data=yes&program=bsmd

Admission to these programs is very competitive, so you have to be a top notch student with several AP courses.

As to it being difficult–of course it is. That’s why the schools are very selective. They will only admit students who have a proven track record of succeeding at taking a heavy credit load.

Unless you live in one of the four states that do not have a medical school, all state universites have pre-med programs and medical schools. You stand the best chance of being accepted if you apply to your own state university (approximately 70% of matriculants are state residents).