A few days ago

Why can only 1/5 of Americans find the US on a map. (being serious I don’t want a South Carolina answer)?

Why can only 1/5 of Americans find the US on a map. (being serious I don’t want a South Carolina answer)?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The South Carolina comment came from the fact that in the Miss Teen USA pageant, Miss South Carolina was asked this question and she really, really flubbed her answer. I am from South Carolina too (I live in Virginia now) and it was embarrassing.

As for where this statistic came from, the only thing I can find it that “recent polls show…………..” No way to know how accurate these polls are.

Americans are dumbed down because in schools they do not TEACH anymore, they prepare kids for tests, standardized tests, that when the kids pass they forget all about. They only learn enough to pass the tests and then only learn about subjects that really interest them. They do not really teach Geography and that is a shame.

To put a positive spin on this, 80% of Americans CAN find the US on a map.


A few days ago
Apparently they failed to comprehend this in school or either they don’t care about geography. Some people place little importance in knowing map skills unless they have to-that means taking a road trip or something which forces them to rely on looking at a map. Nevertheless, I think it is pretty sad that some people are not able to locate the country they live in on a map. It does not say much for taking pride in being an American Citizen.

A few days ago
Just Beachy
Whats wrong with South Carolina?

I live here, (im not from here).

Probably b/c of the lack of education that the US has. On the plus for me, i went to one of the best schools in PA.


A few days ago
Nothing surprises me anymore. I went to a Catholic convent school, back in the fifties…..my Episcopalian palate never did get used to the fish on Fridays….but in the first grade, we each had to be able to locate a place on a globe. Mine was Tangiers….and I can still find it.

The public school system is in the dumper, and throwing more money at it will not fix it. Teachers and students have got to be held accountable, and PARENTS TOO!!! My mama knew where I was every minute, and whether or not I had done my homework.

The problem is, they started dumbing things down in the 60’s, so what you have now is a teacher population that is ignorant too. I went back to school at 50, got my degree summa *** laude, and had to correct the spelling of both my geology instructor, and my ENGLISH prof! c’mon!


A few days ago
A lot of schools don’t teach or require geography because they are focusing on the No Child Left Behind tests (which focus on English and math only).

A few days ago
Because 4 of 5 are morons { haven’t you noticed ? } and most teachers can’t teach because they don’t know the subjects GOD BLESS THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM !! Never has so much been spent by so many to achieve so little !

I’m an American and I stole my education as far as I can tell people all over the world are the same { haven’t you noticed ? } I work with a guy who went to collage for 8 years to receive a masters in engineering he is still to stupid to reset a circuit breaker


A few days ago
It was a map of Europe.

A few days ago
Sounds like garbage to me. Where did you get this statistic? I think it is a lie.

The only explanation I have is that they are too young. Maybe most of them are the babies of illegal immigrants. Maybe they are under 3 years old.


A few days ago
Can you site your source for the stat? that seems like an awful low number?

A few days ago
i don’t own a map.

when did carolina split up anyway – was it before the war or after.