A few days ago

snoflake symbols what are they called???

snoflake symbols what are they called???

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Your picture shows the beginning steps in the construction of the “Koch snowflake”. The first step is actually an equilateral triangle. Then smaller equilateral triangles whose sides are 1/3 as long as the first one are are attached to the middle third of each side of the original triangle to get the first snowflake in your picture. Then smaller equilateral triangles, each with side 1/3 as long as the previous triangles, are attached to the middle third of each side of the first snowflake to get the second snowflake. If you continue this procedure, you get each succeeding snowflake. When this is done indefinitely, the limiting snowflake is called the “Koch snowflake”. It is a closed curve which has an infinite perimeter but encloses a finite area. It is named for a Swedish mathematician who discovered it about a hundred years ago. More recently, mathematicians who developed fractal geometry realized that the Koch snowflake is a fractal curve.

A few days ago
They are called geometric patterns. Ok, ok, so I don’t know. Just give me the 10 points. I’ll settle for 5.

A few days ago
Fractals, I think…at least they are made up of them, as are fern leaves and probably many other created things.

A few days ago
umm… the first one kinda looks like the star of david, but it’s not quite it.