A few days ago

Where do Neocons go to get their heads inflated?

Sorry to stoop to their level of questioning, but as a life-long Republican I’ve been wondering where the neocon crowd gets the air in their heads. Can they just go to a gas station or do they need special air with some feel-good smoke in it? So many of their “questions” are insulting rhetoric about people who disagree with them or more to the point people who they hate, I have to wonder what they are using that prompts such strange statements and their bogus abuse reports.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I believe you’ve received two bogus abuse reports already, if the counter is working.

Some of them may go to the gas station, but most of them charge for air now, but they can get pumped up for free by Rupert and Company just by flicking a switch.


A few days ago
Don’t be unkind.

Rush does it for them as a public service. Part of his work-release probation I think.


A few days ago
We dont have to,the liberals get us self started.by their idiotic rants,absurdity,and palin stupidity