A few days ago

what is beauty in scientific view?

what is beauty in scientific view?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Generally linked to elegance, symmetry, harmony etc., but strictly speaking science can’t define beauty. Have you seen the fractals? They look so beautiful, but the equations behind them?

A few days ago
Its seeing all that is around you and knowing that there is symmetry, pattern, some mathmatical equation that can define most of it…..plants have leaf patterns, flowers have certain numbers of petals and light affects the way we see.

Find a botany book at the library–

Study the way painters figured out compositions–

Why are there so many breeds of dogs or cats? odd??

There are a lot of really interesting underlying features that are just over looked. Look at drawings for DNA or chemical compounds and how things fit together. beauty is really broad- it exists everywhere you look. In every snow flake, sunset, lightning storm, every flower, in music,and pretty much most things you can experience have an element of beauty. It is about what you see, figure out, and experience and this is also why god and science is also so perplexing. It all seems so perfect that we have to search for an explaination. We can’t see air, but we know it is there……hmmmm? Maybe we are all taught what is beautiful. You never have to prompt a kid to say “ohhhh” when they see fireworks though. Most of us find the same thngs beautiful don’t we? Unless we are in an art museum………then it comes down to what we prefer. This is just my opinion of course!


A few days ago
I have no idea, but this random thought came to mind as I read your first respondent’s comment.

Diatoms, the algae that float in the ocean and provide 85% or so of the Earth’s oxygen, have cell structures that are absolutely gorgeous in their geometric shapes when tiny sections are stained and viewed under a microscope.

They look like jewels.

That is beauty in the aesthetic sense.


A few days ago
otis the brave (luke 22:36)
it is a ratio of 1:1.618, called the golden ratio, or the divine proportion.