A few days ago

What do you think of when you hear the word Canada? Stereotypes, I mean.?

For a school project. What kind of Canadian stereotypes can you think of? 🙂

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
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Favorite Answer

Personally, Bob and Doug McKenzie (The Great White North, “Strange Brrew”)

A few days ago
Friendly people, really cold winters, ice hockey and fantastic scenery.

May be it would help to ask what country everyone who answers is from too. People from different places may have a different perception of Canada.

I’m in Australia.


A few days ago
Snow, cheap beer, Mike Myers, hockey, “eh”, maple syrup, bacon that is actually ham, pasty skinned people, moose, eskimos, wannabe Americans, too high taxes.

That should about cover it.


A few days ago
Shakespeare Chick
moose, skiing, french, that 70s show, celine dion, avril lavigne, lowest and highest tides in the world, lots of open space, vikings….lol