A few days ago
niddlie diddle

“the planet is in peril”?

This is what I see on TV. Question, is it the planet that is in peril, or the human race”?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

That is a thoughtful question. Never mind the propaganda, the truth is that it is the human race that is in peril. It is not the planet.

The weather is not that big a deal. There’s been weather patterns for years, before they even kept records. Nature will take care of itself.

But humans have God-given Free Will and the ability to blow ourselves up and we are in rush to self-destruction. We could destroy ourselves and the planet will have to start the life process all over again.


A few days ago
The Planet is never in peril. The planet will be just fine with or without us. Look at the surface of the planet mercury. Mercury is doing just fine. Check out Jupiter no problems there either.