A few days ago

Smoking the Mary Jane anyone?

Okay I have to say this why do people think that smoking weed is soooo bad?? There have been absolutely no statistics that prove that mariujana has been the leading case of “anything” horrible. Why would something that is grown from the earth naturally, used in medince is such a terrible thing. Ive never heard of anyone who smoked a joint and went and and did a drive by shooting. Ive never heard of anyone who smoke a joint and decided to jimp off of a bridge. I thik that the propaganda that we see on television is so ridiculous that it makes substances like Alcchol abuse, cocaine abuse, heroin and many other substances that are “known” to kill. Why is it that the consumption of alchol which was prohibited years ago and suddenly Americas favorite past time beverage which has so many cases leading to deaths legal. Yet marijuana is just one of the most horrible things in the world. Why would females marry a man who drinks yet won;t deal with a guy who smokes. Alot of you I think are silly

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think it has gotten a bad rap and it could actually help a lot of people. what about anorexics it would give them the munchies and they would put on some weight. how about the chemo patients who are helped and there are other diseases it helps also. For me it just means sleepy time. I cant stay awake no matter what I do. So why not use it for insomniacs too. rock on

A few days ago
Ariel Seabright
because if they leagalized marajuana the drug companies would throw a fit. after all it’s a natural painkiller and if it were legal you could grow it yourself and it would be free. god forbid there should be something that the government cant make money on. Also . Women can smoke pot before they get pregnant and it’s no big deal. But if a man has smoked within i think it’s like 6 weeks of onception the child can be born with moderate to severe birthdefects and the risk of mental hanicaps is increaced by alot.

and a baby should NEVER be exposed to ANY kind of smoke. any kind of smoke in those tiny lungs can put them in serious danger and retard the development of the lungs causing really expensive health conditions later in life. which . the parent who was smoking will have to pay for. other than that i totally agree with you if you eat it . kudos. dont care whatever. i just personally dont want to INHALE ( sorry for the caps i cant firgure out how to do italics) it . but yes. your so right. it’s completely ridiculous.


A few days ago
It’s all well and fine if u plan to spend the rest of your life doing nothing- Everyone I know that smokes it suffers from a lack of motivation. Real losers, especially, women who are mothers and haven’t yet got a clue that this substance keeps them from being a fine role model in their child’s life.Not as harmful as some of the other substances, but nevertheless in not without consequence. the whole legal .vs. illegal argument is purely political and if states like California can legalize its use for medicinal purposes, then I’m sure in years to come other will follow suit.

A few days ago
Smoking pot is the start,then speed then heroin or cocaine,plus smoking pot does lead to schizophrenia.I have a good friend who grows the $hit and he is nutso thanks to smoking the $hit for 30 odd yrs.People on the tv are talking about him,he wont use his phone because the fbi have it bugged,he will not leave his house in daylight.He also owns 1/2 dozen guns and I wouldn,t be surprised if he used one.You would have to be very young or very stupid to believe it doesn,t harm people.

5 years ago
Yes, it’s still viewed smoking, even though while you say to anyone “I smoke”, (except you specifiaclly say “I smoke pot”) they might routinely companion that to simple cigarettes. It can be qualified as smoking except you employ it via other way than a joint.

A few days ago
weed was legal and grew wild till people in the tobacco industry decided to spread lies about smoking pot. its still illegal cuz politicians take a lot of “contributions” from the tobacco industry. its all about money. if an international company that became rich from packaging and selling pot contributed funds for political campaigns it would be legalized immediately.

A few days ago
Well, if you know any long term chronic users, its pretty apparent that they have lost a few brain cells as well as any motivation to accomplish anything in life.

A few days ago
i guess it’s because it has more negative impacts on your body than alcohol and can cause trouble to other people, not just the person using it.

A few days ago
i agree with you 100%. just got done hittin’ a blunt myself. the world would be a much happier and safer place if more people smoked weed. we are a bunch of loving, chill, happy people

A few days ago
Bush still likes it. Judge for yourself.