A few days ago

how does one develop individual identity?

I need help with a paper on Huck Finn and I dont get how he demonstartes an individual search for identity!!


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

thats a tough question

first define individual and identity

analysing Hucks character, his identity, he doesnt have a family, he was kipnapped by his dad, He is sick of all of the confinement and civilization that the window enforces upon him, he meets jim and together they escape in search of freedom

Huck learns a variety of life lessons and improves as a person. He develops a conscience and truly feels for humanity. The complexity of his character is enhanced by his ability to relate so easily with nature and the river.

hope this helps


5 years ago
Yes and it would be ONE diagnosis lol. DID doesn’t mean there are different people but different variations of the same person and each variation has amnesia of the other variations. But yes, like someone with DID can also have, depression, somatoform etc.