A few days ago

homework help! please answer by now?

Carmen,Jordy,Mariah, and Ronnie each have less than $1.00 to spend at the snack bar. Altogether they have $3.26, all in coins, including 7 quarters, 1 penny, and the same number of dimes as nickels. Each person has 7 coins. They each have a different number of dimes.

.Jordy has more dimes but fewer quarters than anyone else.

.Ronnie has the most money, and Jordy has the least

. Mariah Is the only one who has a penny.

.Ronnie has the same number of nickels as Jordy, and Carmen has the same number as Mariah

.Ronnie has the same number of nickels as quarters but more dimes than nickels.

What combination of coins and how much money does each person have?

Please show your work!.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Set it up like this… C,J,M,R are the 4 people, and P, N,D Q mean pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters. In the body of the table are the number of each coin that each person has. At the top are the column totals, at the left are the row totals. (It’s easy to see that there are 10 nickels and 10 dimes)

The first column is given. Also row R is easy: if Ronnie has 1 quarter then he has 1 nickel and so he has 5 dimes, but this can’t be because Jordan has more. So Ronnie has 2 quarters, 2 nickels and 3 dimes, for a total of 90 cents. This also gives column N because of the conditions on number of nickels. So we have this: (Ack! Because of YA formatting it’s hard to make this table line up!!)








Well, Jordan has either 4 or 5 dimes.

Suppose Jordan has 5 dimes. Then either Carmen has 2 dimes or none (she can’t have 1 dime because then Mariah would have the same number of dimes). If Carmen has 2 dimes then Mariah will have 91 cents, more than Ronnie. If Carmen has no dimes than she has 4 quarters, giving her more money than Ronnie.

So Jordan has 4 dimes. The rest of the table now follows, I’ll let you fill it in. Carmen has 85 cents, Jordan 75, Mariah 76, and Ronnie 90.


A few days ago
Sorry, I hated homework when I was at school, I hated homework when my kids were young and I still hate it.

What sort of sadistic teacher wants to know this sort of stuff?

I hope you get the correct answer, good luck.

I would try to help you out, but, I know quarters are worth 25 cents, that’s obvious. But dimes and nickles? I haven’t got a clue. I’m not American so don’t know and don’t care what they’re worth.


A few days ago
Hey, can you figure out how many dimes and nickels they have? It tells you twice.

First, you know how much money they have.

Second, you know how many coins they have.

Start from there.