A few days ago

explain why some nights i sleep with my eyes open and they follow people or objects?

Last week i stayed the night at a friends house, apprently while i sleep i was staring at him when i he got up to move my eyes followed him, whever he went in the room, why is this, and is it possible for me to remmebr what i see when im sleeping?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Irony Is My Name

Favorite Answer

You can not keep your eyes open when you sleep. Its the laws of phisics.

A few days ago
i’d like to know that also. i sleep with my eyes partially open and have had people complain that they think i’m staring at them or watching them. it creeps people out, but i obviously can’t control whether or not my eyes are open or shut while i sleep.

your memory of whatever you see while sleeping is probably buried deep in your subconscious somewhere and you’ll never access it.


A few days ago
maybe part of your brain falls asleep and the other part stays awake

it is actually possible

i watched a show on discovery health about it

it like sleeping but your body won’t shut down