A few days ago

Does there exist more than 5 senses?

Hi I would like to know if there do exist like a sixth or seventh sense… if they do exist which ones are they and in which web page can I learn more about them… so please tell me the other senses and a web page … thank you please don’t tell me anything about the mobie the sixth sense or anything about seeing dead people or the future… thanks

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There is a sixth sense they call ESP or Extra Sensory Perception.

Here is the link:



A few days ago
There are the psychic senses. These are activated by the Chakras which superimpose themselves over the main glands in the body. Each Chakra has an energy and a use. That is where the word sixth sense comes from.Why are you scared of the future? If you want to find out more -type in Chakras at top and see where it leads you. Good Luck!

A few days ago
Some say, that the sixth sense of man, is ESP. It was well studied back in the 70’s and 80’s.

A few days ago
Stephen W
There are considered to be six exteroceptive senses (sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing, and balance) that we use to determine what his happening outside the body. And several Interoceptive senses to tell what is happening in the body e.g. Proprioception (nonconscious awareness of where various parts of the body are the body are) , Thermoception (sense of hot and cold) and Nociception (sense of pain)

A few days ago
Richard F
In addition to sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing, There are animals that have senses for electricity, electrical resistance, time, magnetic fields, geography and direction (although that may be really magnetic fields). And there are extra sensory perceptions whatever those may be. And other chemicals that might not fit into smell or taste.

A few days ago
yes, there r more dan 5 senses,sense to see or feel the presence of paranormal,to see into the future, to smell something dat is not around bt is happening or will happen.there r only 5 normal senses bt there r alot more.

A few days ago
I think sharks have around 8 senses

A few days ago
no unless you count fashion sense XD lol