A few days ago
Sam J

Can i be forced to go to school when…?

Ok, on Thursday I went to the hospital, because I couldnt put pressure on my foot without it killing with pain. Apparently, I had damaged my tissue or something. The fact is I still cant walk on it without it hurting really bad, and I was wondering…

Can my Mum and/or Dad force me to go to school when I cant walk?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Why would your parents force you to go to school if your are unable?

Will your doctor give you a written excuse that you need to stay home? If not, contact the school nurse, they may have a wheelchair that you can use at school–will just need crutches to get you there (the girls will love pushing you around!).


A few days ago
GEt crutches, all the attention of your glass mates and a good mark on the teachers record for going anyway, not to forget no fighting with your parents.

A few days ago
Parents have a lot of control over their children, legally speaking, and they can pretty much always make you go to school. Just try and find a way to make it work.