A few days ago

Name 3 0f 7 Largest National Oil Companies?

Here are 4 of the 7 top producers:

Abu Ahabi National Oil, Algeria’s Sonatrach, Kuwait Petroleum, & Saudi Aramco. The seven combined hold

at least half of the world’s proven reserves and account for a quarter of present production. Who else decides if your oil

tankers are allowed to transport this commodity?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Tom P

Favorite Answer

The world’s largest oil companies are:


…………………………….Million barrels per year, 1998

Saudi Arabian Oil Co.* 3028

Petroleos Mexicanos* 1278

Petroleos de Venezuela* 1258

China National Petroleum* 1168

BP Amoco + Arco 963

ExxonMobil 894

Royal Dutch/Shell 859

Nigerian National Oil Co.* 772

Kuwait Petroleum* 757

Chevron + Texaco 756

NOTE: ExxonMobil is the largest publicly traded company (i.e. not state sponsored).

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A few days ago
A list of the largest petroleum companies is always somewhat arbitrary as state-owned companies operate differently to private-owned ones. A somewhat dated list by Oil production in million barrels in 1998 is:

Saudi Arabian Oil Company- 3028

Petroleos Mexicanos- 1278

Petroleos de Venezuela- 1258

China National Petroleum- 1168

BP Amoco + Arco- 963

ExxonMobil- 894

Royal Dutch/Shell- 859

Nigerian National Petroleum Company- 772

Iraq National Oil Company- 770

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation- 757

Chevron + Texaco- 756

Valero- 380


A few days ago
caroline ♥♥♥♥♥
National Iranian Oil Company


exxon mobil


5 years ago
The oil companies are only making record profits because of the shear volume being dealt with. The profit margins of the oil companies are between 4-10%. Not very much, considering the risk involved in bringing the oil to market. Heck the company I work for has profit margins typically over 30%. You do the math.

A few days ago
Heidi T
Hess, Citgo, Texaco

A few days ago
texaco. shell, mobil