A few days ago

A scientists was caught by African native who decided to kill him….?

The natives told him that he could make one final statement. If the statemen was true he would be fried in oil. If the statement was false he would be boiled in water. Not particularly fond of either option, the scientist said the one thing that saved his life. What did he say?

Hint: He did not remain silent.

10 points to first correct answer.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
VeggieTart — Let’s Go Caps!

Favorite Answer

You will boil me in water.

A few days ago
He says “i will be boiled in water”

This means he must must be boiled in water, but that would make the statement true, so they must fry him in oil, which would make it false…

endless loop


A few days ago
Antony B
Two missionaries were caught by the natives and they placed them in a huge cooking pot. All around, the natives were slicing carrots and putting peas in the pot with the missionaries. The younger of the two missionaries was distraught, but looked across at his partner, and saw that he was laughing.

“What are you laughing at. They are going to eat us!” he said, despairingly.

“Well,” said the elder missionary, I just urinated into their soup.”


A few days ago
he said “i will be hanged” since it was not true but not false either they natives had to let him go

A few days ago
he said something that was nither trure nor flase

A few days ago
he said “may I go now?”

and they said, “Well, yes, of course”

simple really